Test bars for determination of thermal expansion coefficient

Research and Development

The Keramikinstitut sometimes continues work on an interesting research project when the job for the client has already been done. We know that knowing more is always better, and will pay off some day, helping us to serve future clients even better. Please find here a list of selected research projects. Results that have been published in ceramic papers can be found as well. Please contact us if you are interested in results or related matters.


Selected Projects

Titel Projekt-träger Laufzeit
Novel antibacterial surface systems for ceramic materials SMWA SAB 2001- 2002
FLEXIFORM – a new system for die-casting ceramic products with maximum product flexibility EU 2001- 2004
Improvement of glaze quality using flame polishing BMWI 2003- 2005
Production of metallic graphitic gloss surfaces on building ceramics surfaces BMWI 2003- 2004
Shaping multi-use ceramic forms BMBF 2003- 2006
Producing a low-energy paving stone BMWI 2004- 2005
Production of a synthetic semi-refractory material for kiln furniture in a low-temperature setting BMWI 2005- 20707
Production of high-performance fibres BMWA AiF 2005- 2007
Shapeable ceramic contoured cooling elements BMWA EuroNorm 2006-2007
Energy-saving modification of paving bricks BMWA EuroNorm 2006- 2008
High-strength ceramic materials with metallic surfaces SMWA SAB 2006- 2007
CERAMIN - Energy saving concepts for the European ceramic industry Intelligent Energy Europe 2006- 2009
Development of a novel high-temperature-proof composite material on the basis of a textile-ceramic formation in a ceramic matrix integration BMWA AiF 2007- 2009
Frost resistance of roofing tiles BMWA EuroNorm 2008- 2009
Method for accelerated casting of ceramics with electrokinetics BMWA EuroNorm 2008- 2010
Ceramic energy-saving kiln furniture with porous support grain BMWA EuroNorm 2008- 2010
Development of a fully ceramic water-permeable paving brick BMWA AiF 2009- 2010
Development and testing of a novel casting process featuring integration of multiphase magnetic materials with high electrical resistance BMWA AiF 2009- 2011
Increasing resource efficiency in the ceramics industry via low-temperature sintering of ceramic compounds BMBF 2009- 2011
Increasing resource efficiency in the ceramics industry via low-temperature sintering of ceramic compounds BMWA AiF 2009- 2011
Energy saving due to thinner high-strength paving bricks BMBF 2012- 2013
New paths for the turbidity of ceramic glazes BMBF 2012- 2014
CERVIVE: „Inter-generational and family learning for Ceramists” EU 2012- 2014
Development of ceramic systems to shield roofs BMWI 2011- 2013
Ceramic Cookware BMBF 2013- 2015
Steam curing of moulding materials DBU 2013- 2015
Basalt-fiber plasma treatment (Colt-Jet) BMWI 2013- 2015
Entwicklung von Development of materials and technologies for components made from a continuous fiber -ceramic-compound-materials SAB 2014- 2017
CERARE "Storytelling Ceramic Artifacts through Augmented Reality EU 2017- 2019


Dr.-Ing. Jens Petzold
+49 (0)3521/463-513

Publications / Library

The following publications are available in the library of the Keramikinstitut. Hundreds of books about ceramic, related matters and the following papers are available as well.

  • Ceramic forum international - cfi (Berichte der Deutschen Keramischen Gesellschaft)
  • ZI Ziegelindustrie International
  • Keramische Zeitschrift
  • Interceram


1/2017  |  W. Krahl: Einsatz eines Digitalmikroskopes zur Qualitätsprüfung in der Baukeramik  |  ZI Internatational 5/2017, Seite 28-33


1/2013  |  M. Teichgräber, Dr. J. Petzold  | Frostbeständigkeit von keramischen Baumaterialien - Einflüsse, Normen und neue Untersuchungsmethoden (Teil 1)  |  ZI International 66(2013), Seite 37-42

2/2013  |  K. Hohlfeld: Die heimlichen Tücken des Glasierens von Baukeramik  |  ZI International 66(2013)4  |   Seite 42-48

3/2013  |  M. Teichgräber, Dr. J. Petzold  | Frostbeständigkeit von keramischen Baumaterialien - Einflüsse, Normen und neue Untersuchungsmethoden (Teil 2)  |  ZI International 66(2013)5; Seite 8-13


1/2012  |  M. Graf, K. Hohlfeld, Prof. W. Schulle  | Entwicklung und Beurteilung eines mullitischen Binders für hochtonerdehaltige feuerfeste Erzeugnisse  |  Keramische Zeitschrift (2012)6; Seite 337-341


1/2010  |  Dr. R. Bartusch, F. Händle  | Plasticization and extrusion  |  cfi / Berichte der DKG 87 (2010) 3; Seite D19-D22

2/2010  |  D. Erdmann:   |Der Traum vom elektrokinetischen Gießen in Gipsformen  |  Keramische Zeitschrift 62(2010)4; Seite 270-272

3/2010  |  Dr. R. Bartusch  | Status and trends of the extrusion technology in technical ceramics  |  Keramische Zeitschrift 62(2010)5; Seite 340-344


Dipl.-Ing. Kerstin Hohlfeld
+49 (0)3521/463-545