Pilot Plant
The Keramikinstitut´s pilot plant consists of machines and facilities to simulate the most important details of any ceramics production facility – from raw materials preparation to firing. Combining production tests with meticulous scientific analytics enables us to answer questions on real production systems in a truly unique way.
2 Spray-dryers (spray tower, spray granulator) | Water evaporation capacity: approx. 60+120l/h Minimum preparation: 100 kg solids |
Ystral mixer (jetstream mixer) | ceramic construction |
Filter press (chamber filter press) | Pressed quantity per cycle: 50 - 60 kg; Press pressure: 12 bar |
2 Annular gap bead CoBall-Mills (Co. FrymaKoruma) MS12 and MS18 | Middle grinding-chamber volume 0.5 l |
Ball mill (rotary drum mill) | Drum capacities: 40 l, 100 l, 250 l |
Cylinder mill | 4 - 6 mills with mill capacities from 5 - 10 l |
Slip transport pump (diaphragm pump) | Pumping capacity: 60 l/h |
Agitator mill (Co. Netzsch) LMK4 | Payload volume: ca. 3.6 l |
Vacuum agitator | Payload volume: ca. 30 l |
Roller mill (roll grinder) | Roller diameter 180 mm, width 190 mm Smallest possible gap width: ca. 0.8 mm |
Granulating plate | Plate diameter: 400 mm; Infinitely variable speed up to 400 rpm; Adjustable plate angle |
Vibration disk mill | Wet and dry micro-grinding of small quantities, tungsten carbide lining |
Jaw crusher | Grain size achievable: 1 mm |
Disc mill (Co. Fritsch) | Maximum charge particle size: 20 mm Grinding gap adjustment (product-dependent): 1.0 – 0.1 mm |
Pin mill (pin beater mill, pin disintegrator) | Throughput: 20 kg/h; exchangeable sieve trays |
Turbo pulper | Charge quantity: 50 l |
Mixing / Screening
Double shaft mixer (Twin-shaft mixer) | Mixing chamber volumes: 20 l, 30 l with vacuum, Mixing chamber volume: 100 l |
3 Eirich intensive mixer (Co. Eirich) | Trough volume: 5 kg / 8 l; stainless steel construction; Trough volume: 65 kg / 40 l; stainless steel construction; Trough volume: 400 kg; stainless steel construction |
Sieve drum mill | Payload volume: ca. 30 l |
Vibrating screen | Variable sieve mounting |
Die-casting plant (die casting machine, high-pressure die casting unit) | Medium pressure range 40 bar; max. tool size 600 x 700 mm² (clamping area); Slip pre-warming possible |
Vacuum extrusion press (extruder) | PVPS20: max. mouthpiece diameter 200 mm; throughput ca. 2.5 t/h PZVQRG-8a: screw diameter 80 mm; max. moulding pressure 80 bar; extruded profile with external dimensions of ca. 0.3 cm² to 50 cm² V5: max. log diameter 33 mm; throughput 30 - 80 kg/h V10HD: max. log diameter 60 mm; throughput 300 - 500 kg/h |
Piston extruder KP 200A (piston press) | horizontal or vertical use, pressure up to 280 bar, pressure head up to 155 mm, vacuum possible |
Uniaxial press | Pressing force: 160 t; press table size: 800 x 800 mm, top and bottom ram press |
Climatic test chamber | Temperature range -40 to 180°C, Variable humidity from 5 to 98 %, Capacity ca. 200l |
Drying cabinet (convection dryer) | Temperature range 20 to 250°C, Capacity 0.75 m³ |
Bottom-loading kiln (Lift-bottom furnace) | Tmax: 1800°C usable volume 250 x 200 x 200 mm (LxWxH) Tmax: 1400°C Tile fast firing – firing chamber for 2 tiles 250 x 200 mm |
Gradient kiln | Tmax: 1320°C usable volume approx. 1000 x 150 x 75 mm (LxWxH) divided into 6 segments |
Muffle kiln (Electric chamber kiln, laboratory sintering kiln, electric kiln) | Tmax: 1400°C usable volume approx. 400 x 400 x 400 mm (LxWxH) Tmax: 1400°C usable volume approx. 320 x 320 x 320 mm (LxWxH) Tmax: 1750°C usable volume approx. 300 x 170 x 220 mm (LxWxH) Tmax: 1380°C usable volume approx. 440 x 350 x 350 mm (LxWxH) |
CTB-kiln natural gas |
Tmax: 1600°C usable volume approx. 1000 x 450 x 600 mm (LxWxH) |
Grün-kiln (gas-fired chamber kiln, natural gas and liquefied gas) |
Tmax: 1440°C usable volume approx. 900 x 500 x 550 mm (LxWxH) |
Pilot Plant: Sample Preparation / Testing Devices
Autoclave | Pressure vessel volume: 2.75 l; max. operating pressure 60 bar Pressure vessel volume: 110 l; max. operating pressure: 40 bar |
Muffle kiln (Electric chamber kiln, Laboratory sintering kiln) | Tmax: 1400°C usable volume approx. 400 x 400 x 400 mm (LxWxH) Tmax: 1400°C usable volume approx. 320 x 320 x 320 mm (LxWxH) Tmax: 1750°C usable volume approx. 300 x 170 x 220 mm (LxWxH) Tmax: 1750°C usable volume approx. 190 x 300 x 250 mm (LxWxH) |
Rapid moisture analyser | Infra-red |
Testing press (High-pressure testing press) | max. pressure: 3000 kN pressure-plate size 320 x 520 mm; testing space height 320 mm |
Vacuum test container | Volume: 70 l |
Weighing scales | Weighing range up to 200 kg |
Pallet truck with integrated weighing scales | Weighing range up to 400 kg |
Freezers | Volume: 550 l / 870 l; automated program control |
Cube grinding machine | Surface grinding of areas up 250 mm in diameter |
Clipper saw (diamond saw) | |
Diamond-wire saw |
Our laboratory equipment and our scientists’ skills enable us to carry out nearly all testing and investigation of ceramic raw materials, ceramic materials, ceramic products, and consumables. Only testing methods approved by relevant regulatory bodies are applied.
Laboratories: Preparation / Sample Preparation
Magnetic stirrer | with or without heating |
Mortar grinder | agate lining |
Rapid moisture analyser | Infra-red |
Vibratory sieve shaker | 10 mm to 63 µm throw-action sieving |
Planetary ball mill | agate and SiN jar mill |
Overhead shaker | |
Pressure Filtration unit | max. 8 bar |
Centrifuge | |
Vibrations mills | agate, stainless special steel and tungsten carbide lining |
Disc mill | stainless special steel and zirconium disks, min. 0.5 mm |
Planetary mono mill | agate lining |
Hydraulic press | max. pressure 50 t |
Laboratory stirrers | |
Ultrasonic cleanser | Various sizes |
Laboratories: Drying / Firing
Drying cabinets | Tmax: 250°C max. capacity 115 l |
Vacuum drying cabinet | Tmax: 260°C max. capacity:50 l |
Muffle kiln | Tmax: 1400°C usable volume approx. 400 x 400 x 400 mm (LxWxH) Tmax: 1400°C usable volume approx. 320 x 320 x 320 mm (LxWxH) Tmax: 1750°C usable volume approx. 300 x 170 x 220 mm (LxWxH) various sizes and maximum temperatures available, programmable |
Laboratories: Analysis / Test Equipment
Weighing scales | Weighing range up to 12000 g |
Testing machine for flexural and compressive strenth | Force messuring: 1 kN, 10 kN |
Testing machine for particle density | |
Specific surface area (Areameter) | Measurement range: 0,1 - 1000 m²/g |
Testing machine for surface abrasion | Abrasimeter: variable rotation max. 12000 (DIN EN 10545) |
Grinding wheel (Böhme) | |
Mercury Intrusion Porosimeter | Pore size: 4 nm - 116 µm pressure: max. 4000 bar |
Reflectoneter (Measuring unit for determining the gloss) | Standard angle: 20°, 60°, 80° and combinations, Test area: 90 x 35 mm |
Rheometer (Gallenkamp) | wire: 24, 26, 30, 32, 34, 36 SWG |
Viscosity cup | nozzles according to Lehmann: 1,13; 1,6; 2,26; 3,2; 4,51; 6,38 mm according to Keyl: 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 8 mm |
X-ray spectrometer (RFA, RFS) | chemical composition of solids and powders, elements F to Pb, 10 ppm to 100% |
X-ray diffractometer (RDA, XRD; RFS) |
phase composition of solids and powders, special anlysis of clay minerals, more than 100 preparation of standards of all regions from oxidic materials, quality analysis with ICCD Powder Diffraction File |
carbon analyser (TOC, TIC, TC) |
infrared spectroscopy, determination of total carbon, organic und inorganic carbon of solids and powders, tube furnace to 1500°C measuring range: 0,01 bis 100 %C |
Thermogravimetry (TG) / differential thermal analysis (DTA) | Temperature range: room temperature to 1600°C; heating rate: 0,001 bis 50 K/min; atmosphere: static, dynamic, inert, oxidizing or reducing |
Dilatometer | Temperature range: room temperature to 1600°C; heating range: 0,01 bis 50 K/min; atmosphere: static, dynamic, inert, oxidizing or reducing |
Thermomechanical analyzer (TMA) |
Temperature range: RT to 1500°C; Temperature ramp: 0,01 - 100 K/min; max. compressive load: 1,47 N, constant, linear or sinusoidal load, combination of different loads; Atmosphere: static, dynamic, inert, oxidizing or reducing |
Low Temperature Dilatometer | Temperature range: -170 to 1000°C; heating range: 0,01 bis 50 K/min; atmosphere: static, dynamic, inert, oxidizing or reducing |
Hot Stage Microscope | Temperature range: room temperature to 1500°C; heating range: 1 bis 50 K/min; video evaluation |
SediGraph | measuring range: 0,1 - 250 µm |
2 Laser Granulometer | measuring range: 0,2 bis 2000 µm |
Color meters | Spectrophotometer with gloss trap |
Scanning electron microscope | with EDX-spectrometer; all elements from atomic number 6 to 92 |
Stereo microscope | with digital image aquisition; 100x magnification |
Digital microscope VHX 5000 | high depth of focus; 2D- and 3D-view; images with up to 200x magnification + additional digital magnification; panoramic view (stitching); measuring options (up to 30 different options for 2D- and 3D-measurements); cross-section measurements on any surface |
Test dishwasher | According to DIN 12875-1 |
Mobile Devices
For the first-time operation and the optimization of production facilities the Keramikinstitut has all mobile devices available that are necessary for a successful help on the spot.
Mobile Devices for On-site Application
Datapaq Data logger | Temperature logging up to 1600°C for thermal element type K or type B |
Datapaq 21 Data logger with radiot- elemetry | Online temperature logging up to 1200°C for thermal element type K |
CeriDRY | Data logger for simultaneous measurement of humidity from 5-99% Temperature 0-140°C Shrinkage 0-20mm and % |
Ultramat 20 and 23 | Atmospheric measurement O2, CO, CO2 |
Testo atmospheric measurement | Atmospheric measurement O2, CO, CO2 with simultaneous temperature measurement up to 1200°C |
Testo flow measurement | 0-40 m/s |
Thermal element calibration SE1200 | Calibration temperature 300°C-1205°C |